Find out everything you need to get started by taking the tour. If you still have questions, come back and check out the pinned articles, if you still need help contact us: info@debatetalklive.com

Q. What topics can I ask about here?

A. You can discuss any topic that comes to mind. This is an open platform. However, if your question contains content that requires "Parental Discretion," please make sure to mark the question as private.

Q. What types of questions should I avoid asking?

A. Everyone using the DebateTalkLive website is over the age of 18. We expect all users to exercise common sense when asking questions and posting on the platform.

Q. What does it mean if a question is "closed" or "on hold"?

A. Questions that need additional work or are not a good fit for this site may be put on hold by experienced community members. While on hold, questions cannot be answered but can be edited to make them eligible for reopening.

Q. What if I disagree with the closure of a question? How do I reopen it?

A. If you disagree with the closure of a question, please reach out to the DebateTalkLive staff at info@debatetalklive.com with the question asked and your screen name.

Q. Why do I see a message that my question does not meet standards?

A. If you receive a message that your question does not meet our standards, it has been flagged as offensive to our community members.

Q. Why are some questions marked as duplicate?

A. If you post the same question more than once, it will be flagged and put on hold.

Q. Why are questions no longer being accepted from my account?

A. If you have consistently violated our community standards, your account will be suspended.

Q. Why is the system asking me to wait a day before asking another question?

A. If you are asked to wait before posting another question, it is because you have been reported by another member for violating our community standards, and the allegations are being investigated.

Q. How do I ask a good question?

A. Ask questions related to current events, as these tend to receive the best interaction from our community members and the general public.

Q. How can I edit my question?

A. You can edit your question by clicking the "Edit" button next to your question. Make the necessary changes and save them to update your question.

Q. What should I do if I receive inappropriate responses to my question?

A. If you receive inappropriate responses, you can report them to the DebateTalkLive staff. Click on the "Report" button next to the response to flag it for review.

Q. How do I follow a topic or question I'm interested in?

A. To follow a topic or question, click the "Follow" button. You will receive notifications about any updates or new responses to that topic or question.

Q. Can I delete my question?

A. Yes, you can delete your question by clicking the "Delete" button next to your question. This will remove the question and any associated responses from the platform.

Q. How do I earn reputation points on DebateTalkLive?

A. You can earn reputation points by actively participating in discussions, providing valuable answers, and receiving upvotes from other community members.

Q. What are the community guidelines for DebateTalkLive?

A. Our community guidelines include respecting others, avoiding offensive language, and not posting spam or irrelevant content. Please review the full guidelines on our website to ensure a positive experience for all users.

Q. How can I contact DebateTalkLive support?

A. If you need assistance or have any questions, you can contact DebateTalkLive support at info@debatetalklive.com. Our team will be happy to help.